Thursday, May 27, 2010


In a follow-up to yesterday's post, how's this for a neat shift of responsibility: "'From the moment this disaster began, the federal government has been in charge of the response effort,' Obama told reporters at the White House. 'As far as I'm concerned, BP is responsible for this horrific disaster.'"

Okay, maybe it's just me, but I don't get the correlation here. It's BP's fault that this "horrific disaster" happened, so it's the government's job to oversee the cleanup?

This assumes that the government is the only entity capable of cleaning up an oil spill, which is painfully obviously not the case. If someone is responsible for a mess, it's not up to the government to micromanage the cleanup. It's up to the mess-maker. We all learned this when we were little kids. What's changed since then?

Again, the government needs to get out of the private sector. Otherwise, a whole bunch of almost-anarchists like me are going to take over in a few years...

Read the story the Obama quote was taken from
here and read another piece of the saga here.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Goodness, how time flies...

Sorry I haven't posted for so long! My life of late has been extremely busy. Since I'm still pretty busy, I'm going to have to keep this post short and (hopefully) pithy.

So here goes nothing...

The environment definitely needs looking after. This BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico certainly is having adverse effects on the environment. But why isn't BP allowed to take care of the problem itself?

Apparently, the current regime believes that it has all the answers. Who in office now, though, has the expertise necessary to clean up an oil spill? No one. Why, then, does the government feel that it can take over BP's territory in such an egregious manner?

It could be any number of things. Personally, I believe that the current government has its own best interests in mind--not the best interests of the people. Throughout history, it is clear that more government consistently equals less freedom, more taxes, and less efficiency.

So the moral of this short "rant": the government needs to get out of the private sector posthaste. It's called the private sector--not the government sector--for a reason.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Slight change...

From now on, The Food Dish is going to be solely a science and current events blog. No more tags. No more silliness.

Now, before you start to wonder if I'm joking or if I've just gone off my rocker, I'll explain.

Ellie and I decided that the content of this blog should be a little more professional and pithy. We also decided that it would be a good idea for me to create another blog for "personal" (read: silly/random/non-political) stuff... which means tags and the like.

So I'm not going away... I've just created a different blog, which you can visit here. Hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

An ABCs post

Bleah tagged me with this so... I guess I better do it. =)

Sorry, guys... I'm not as cool as Bleah and Eldarwen, so I'm not going to use pictures. (Also, I can't seem to figure out how to get a picture in...)

Warning: this is going to be really random because I'm in a really goofy mood. =D

A. Automatic. A shade of black typically used in MS Word.

B. Bullet casings. They make very unique jewelry.

C. Cats. 'Nuff said.

D. Doberman-Pinschers. All-around cool dogs.

E. Edges. Especially, standing on edges of tall things.

F. Fudge. Very edible.

G. Goats. They look really weird and they eat everything they aren't supposed to, but they're really fun animals.

H. Horses. Also fun animals.

I. Independence. It's what America is founded on, after all.

J. Jumping. As long as I'm on a horse's back, jumping is fun.

K. Kittens. I know I already said cats, but kittens are just in a class of their own.

L. Laughing. Supposedly it adds years to one's life.

M. Meese. The plural of moose, of course.

N. Night. I can actually see relatively better during the night than during the day. Weird, I know.

O. Optics. I wear glasses, so optics are rather important to me.

P. Pine trees. Perfect for climbing, provided they're big enough.

Q. QWERTY. Makes typing easier than ABCDEF would have.

R. Riptide. A ballpoint pen that always finds your pocket and can transform into a sword on demand is just plain old cool.

S. Silence. They say it's golden.

T. Torcs. Symbols of ancient Celtic royalty.

U. Umbrage. An area of comparative darkness, according to Webster's, but it's here because it sounds funny and I couldn't think of another word for U.

V. Velocity. The higher, the better.

W. Wisdom. Proverbs says she's worth more than rubies.

X. Xylophones. They lend an attack sound to the string section in symphonies, so the strings can sound more like a weird piano. (I noticed that recently while listening to some Shostakovich and Stravinsky...)

Y. Yurts. The ultimate in decadent-looking yet portable housing. And it's a fun word to say.

Z. Zippers. I don't know what I'd do without them.

So there you have it. No theme whatsoever, other than Things I Like And Could Think Of Off The Top Of My Head.

I'm going to try to scrape together something less random and more... logical and substantial. =P If anyone has a topic they want me to write about, I'd love to hear it. =)

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Hic est Paradoxa. =P I feel very silly today. So...

Ashley at Random Thoughts tagged anyone who either loves black, owns a ferret, or plays guitar.

Well... I happen to love black, and I play guitar... sort of. =P No ferrets, thanks.

Anyway, here goes...

1. How many toes do you have?
Duh. 12. *sarcasm* What kind of question is that?

2. How many bones have you broken?
None that I know of. Although I may have done something goofy to my right eyebrow... a few years ago I got knocked on the head really hard right above my right eye and couldn't see out of half of that eye for a bit over a day. Occasionally I can still feel the weather changing in that bone...

3. Name an epic thing that you have done.
I wrote two "epic" fantasy novels, which, in my opinion, are putrid.

4. If you had a pet lemming, what would you name him?
IF. I would name him Pauline.

5. What color are the clothes you're wearing right now?
Blue jeans, greenish-blue shirt, brown sweatshirt, black socks.

6. How awesome are orca whales on a scale of one to ten?
Um... 5? They're kind of cool, I suppose.

8. How old do you want to be when you die?
Don't care. But I don't want to end up in a nursing home. Maybe die in the line of duty or something.

9. Name a pet peeve and an addiction.
Pet peeve, eh? Poor punctuation in scholarly publications. Addiction? I'm like a Jedi in that sense. I usually kick out anything that exerts control over my life (other than Christ-endorsed things such as parents and government).

10. Write a paragraph detailing your life. 100 word minimum.
Sorry, no can do. It's not that there isn't a life to detail; it's that I don't want to detail it on Blogger.

11. Name one thing that isn't really a secret, but that you haven't really gotten around to telling anyone.
Ummm... I don't know.

12. Name another pet peeve.

13. Sprechen Sie deutsch?
It's actually Sprichst du Deutsch. And no, I don't. I got the translation from WordMonkey. Sprechen sie Deutsch means They speak German. =P

14. Tell a joke.
Sorry, I'm joke-challenged. =$

15. How many of the questions have you answered in a witty manner so far?
Define witty.

16. Compose a haiku.
It is five o'clock.
I should go and wash my hair.
But I don't want to.

(Yes, that was a haiku, if a very poor haiku.)

17. Have you ever noticed how sour candies taste even more sour if you rub them on the side of your tongue?
Nope. Probably because I've never rubbed sour candy on the side of my tongue.

18. What book(s) are you reading at the moment?
The Pickwick Papers by Charles Dickens. Hilarious.

19. How many doors are there in your house?
I have no idea and I don't honestly care.

20. How would you solve a problem like Maria?
How would you catch a cloud and pin it down?

21. Think of something about yourself. Anything. Go on, think of it.
Um. I'm 5' 8".

Now think of something more interesting. Write it down here.
I've traveled out of the country three times and been to both Alaska and Hawaii. (Wait, that was two... oh well.)

22. What's wrong with your hands?
They're really long and skinny. My friend's brother-in-law says I have skeleton hands. But I guess that's good because I play the piano. Also, I have a giant scab underneath my right pointer fingernail because I accidentally slammed it in the car door and didn't realize it until I went to walk away and bent the finger backwards... it's a long, painful story. =P

24. What's your favorite show tune?
Um... like TV show? Probably Mission: Impossible (yes, that used to be a TV show).

25. Okay, you can tell us what that first thing you thought of for number 21 was. We all want to know.
Uh... you expect me to remember? Sorry, but my mind just discards all unnecessary information... and some necessary information, too.

I tag...
Anyone who dislikes sugar, knows what a Lotus Elise is (and why it's cool), or thinks that American Idol is overrated. Or all of the above.